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In order for you to become one of our esteemed distributors, you will need to get yourself empanelled as an authorized Distributor for JM Financial Mutual Fund.
In case of Individuals, the duly filled agency application form along with
In case of Corporate Empanelment, the duly filled agency application form along with the following documents is required:
These documents along with the empanelment form, duly filled, should be sent to any of the regional offices of JM Financial Mutual Fund from where the Distributor proposes to operate. After reviewing the form, the prospective Distributor will receive an empanelment letter and code number, along with all necessary material (forms, fact sheets, marketing material etc.)
In order to curb financial frauds played on the investors by Mutual Fund distributors/ their employees, AMFI has initiated penal actions against such distributors including suspension of their ARN, advising all the AMCs Board to suspend payment of commission, trail commission, incentives, etc. As one of the measures to control this situation, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has advised AMFI to tighten the procedure for Distributor Registration. On reviewing the current procedure for registration of distributors, AMFI has decided to introduce a more stringent Know Your Distributor (KYD) process involving obtaining relevant documents and validation of such documents, personal verification and bio-metrics.
AMFI had decided to introduce Know Your Distributor (KYD) for Mutual Fund Distributors with effect from September 1, 2010, which would be similar to that of Know Your Client (KYC) for investors, requiring the distributors to submit mandatorily identity proof, address proof, PAN and bank account details with proof. It is also decided to introduce bio-metrics as a part of KYD process.
Applicants need to submit their registration applications with AMFI, along with the KYD application, at any CAMS POS location. The list of locations is available on or Distributors must also present the original documents for in-person verification, along with self-attested photocopies, during the application submission.